Sharing the Gospel in the Bay Area

"And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?" -- Romans 10:14

One of the great challenges of the Bay Area is the subtle but very clear disapproval of evangelism. And so, Christians are often afraid of giving offense. However, the very purpose of the Christian life is to participate in the growth of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 28:18-20).

Here are some practical steps to doing evangelism:

  1. Let people know you are a Christian.

  2. Be a good friend and a good worker, so that you have the credibility to share Christianity.

  3. Pray for open doors and opportunities. You will be surprised how God answers your prayers.

  4. Finally, take courage and share Christ with a friend!

Here is a final thought. If you believe the Bible, then you believe your unbelieving friend is going to hell without Christ.  Even though they may disagree with you, they will greatly respect you if you care about them enough to tell them they are lost without Christ. Take courage! Maybe this is the very reason you are their friend -- that they might be saved through you.


A Vision for Imago


Reflections on Community