The Story of our Name

Imago Dei is a Latin phrase that means "image of God." It's a theme that's woven all throughout the Bible and first appears in Genesis 1:27, "so God created man in his own image." By tracing this theme, we can see the entire narrative arch of the redemptive story.


Human beings are created in the image of God.  This is an astounding truth and confers on each person inalienable worth and dignity. It is the basis for human rights. But more than that, in the Garden, the imago Dei was a mandate to humanity, to reflect the righteousness and goodness of God.  When Adam took the forbidden fruit, he failed that mandate.


The good news of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is the true and ultimate imago Dei – "He is the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15). Where Adam fell short, Christ perfectly reflects the character of God. Thus he stands in our place as our substitute and savior.


Through our union with Christ, the church becomes the image of God on earth. We do this together, as a church community, as we grow into the likeness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Thus, the imago Dei is restored, as we join in the life of the church.

So what is the message of our name?  

First, the name points to Christ, the true imago Dei. Second, it describes our mission as a church--together, we are the image of Christ to the world. And third, it shows us how to read the Bible. There is a narrative arc that you can trace from Genesis, through the Gospels, and concluding in Revelation. We hope this gives you a sense of what our church is about.

There is also a pretty fun YouTube video by the BibleProject that conveys well the rich theology of Imago Dei.