Washington DC Trip in June

I am really honored to be invited to speak at the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, which is a summer internship program for about 200 Christian students from law schools throughout the nation. The various speakers, including Rosaria Butterfield and Robert P. George, will address the challenges of maintaining a Christian witness in today's legal landscape. I will be the sole pastor and non-specialist speaker on the roster. My talk will be on a biblical theology of marriage, which is a topic I'm particularly passionate about. My talk will be on June 10.

My family will be joining me and we plan to make a vacation of it and visit the sites and monuments. I'm especially excited to stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and look out on the national mall. Please keep our trip in your prayers and please pray that my talk will strengthen and encourage these future leaders about the beautiful vision for marriage in the Christian Scriptures.


Sin separates; the church gathers together


Heaven is a Feast